The Magnificent Lisbon Pendant: A Grandiose Treasure of Portuguese Heritage


Lisbon Pendant, also known as the Great Lisbon Jewel, is a magnificent diamond-encrusted medallion that is considered one of the most exceptional pieces of Portuguese heritage. This spectacular piece of jewelry was crafted in the 18th century and has since then been passed on from one generation to another.

The History of the Lisbon Pendant

The Lisbon Pendant was created by Domingos da Silva Gonçalves, a skilled Portuguese jeweler, in the year 1782. It was commissioned by the Portuguese royal family as a fitting tribute to the heroic deeds of the Portuguese military during the Battle of Alcácer Quibir in 1578.

During the battle, Portugal’s King Sebastian I was killed, and his heirless death led to a period of turmoil and instability in Portugal. The Lisbon Pendant was made to honor the soldiers who lost their lives fighting for their country in that battle.

The Design

The Lisbon Pendant is an exquisite piece of jewelry that weighs approximately 200 grams and is made up of 1400 diamonds. The medallion is designed in the shape of an eight-pointed star, with a blue enameled central medallion. The diamonds used in the pendant are predominately Portuguese rose-cut diamonds, with some more prominent cushion-cut diamonds used for emphasis. The medallion is also embellished with some pearls and emeralds.

The Ownership of the Lisbon Pendant

The piece has had a rather turbulent history since its creation. It was in the possession of the Portuguese royal family for more than a century before falling into the hands of the French during the Napoleonic era. After being retrieved by the Portuguese, it was taken to Brazil for safekeeping by King John VI during the Portuguese Civil War. It was returned to Portugal only in the 19th century, and it was later acquired by a Portuguese diamond dealer, who eventually sold it to the current owner.

The current owner of the Lisbon Pendant is unknown, and its whereabouts remain a mystery.

The Significance of the Lisbon Pendant

The Lisbon Pendant remains a symbol of Portuguese heritage and culture. It is a testament to the skill and craftsmanship of Portuguese goldsmiths and jewelers. It has been compared to other iconic pieces of jewelry such as the Hope Diamond and the Koh-i-Noor in its splendor and historical importance.

The Lisbon Pendant has also served as a muse for contemporary jewelers, who have been inspired by its design and have incorporated elements of it into their creations.

The Cultural Heritage Impact of the Lisbon Pendant

The Lisbon Pendant is a source of pride for the Portuguese people and serves as a tangible reminder of their country’s rich cultural heritage. The piece ensures that the memory of the Battle of Alcácer Quibir and the soldiers who fought in it are kept alive.

The Lisbon Pendant is also a tourist attraction, drawing visitors from all over the world who want to see this spectacular piece of jewelry in person.


The Lisbon Pendant is a grandiose treasure that tells the story of Portugal’s cultural and historical legacy. Its unparalleled beauty and historical significance have been preserved for centuries, ensuring that the sacrifice of those brave soldiers will never be forgotten. Despite the piece’s current anonymity, its impact on Portugal’s cultural heritage will undoubtedly last for centuries to come.

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